Project "On My Tods" - Image 2/365
It may only be days two of my year, but alreadies I receivereds a grumpyers emailer from a disgruntlereds web surferer who askereds how I can possiblies be ables to does a "Babo onlys" year withouts the assistancers of Baz.
Wells, tonights, speciallies for the grumpyers surferer, and for alls of you outs there in internetsland, you can gets a sneakies peakies behinds the scenes. Looks, thats me waverings to you alls, and who's that takings my photomagrapher, none others than my stunts doubler, my brothers from anothers mothers, Babo.
I knows justs what you is thinkerings, then who is takerings the photomagrapher that you is actuallies lookering at, wells that woulds be my gooders buddy Wage, so theres!
Now, Mr grumpyers, stops complainerings, sits down on the coucher and lets that itsy bitsy peanutter insides your heads have a rester, it needers it!
Some peoples really can be super mega stupido, can'ts they!
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures
On Google at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts
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