Project "On My Tods" - Image 6/365
Justs a seconder you guys, I needs to keeps my impersonations up for a couples more minuters!
Babo: "Yeppers, thanks for holdings Mrs Legos, I is backs now"
Phone: "Can you confirm your name for me please?"
Babo: "Barry, B-A-R-R-Y, O'Neil, O-apostrophe-N-E-I-L"
Phone: "And your password?"
Babo: "Cookie2Go"
Phone: "Thanks Barry, how can I help you?"
Babo: "I'd likes to orders some new setters from your newerests newsletterer!"
Phone: "Sure, which sets would you like?"
Babo: "Eiffels towers, Towers Bridger, Simpsons houser, Ghostbusterings car, alls of the newers Ninjagos setters, a Stars Wars Sandscrawler, oh, ands a Deaths Stars!"
Phone: "OK, that will be one thousand eight hundred and seventy two euro, how would you like to pay?"
Babo: "Just puts it on my credits carder, you has it on records, yeppers?"
Phone: "Yes, can you please confirm the first line of your address for me?"
Babo: "The Cookie Cave"
Phone: "OK, perfect, thanks for your order Mr O'Neil, your sets will be posted out tomorrow, bye"
Babo: "Has a gooders one, byes byes!"
Awesomes, these is goings to rock!
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures
On Google at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts
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