Project "On The Go" - Image 228/365
I has decidereds thats there really is a gooders reason for beings away on the roads with Baz, as whens we is aways the only persons that can eaters my goodies is me and hims!
Takes this emptiers boxer of lemons buttermilkers icy creamers, I buyereds it this afternoons at the locals supermarketer, and puts it straighters into the freezers when I gets home to the cookies cave to keeps it frostiers.
Afters a quick snoozer, I wakes up and what does I finds?
The wholes box has been scoffereds while I was snoozerings, that's not fairs at alls!
Todays steps = 3,283
The 2014 grand total = 1,297,528
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
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