Project "On The Go" - Image 221/365
Withs us still being on Easters coast times, me and Baz were wide awakers at early o'clocks this mornings in Calimafornia, so I suggestereds that we jumpers into the car and heads down the coasts to says hello to Biggers Sur.
Baz agreeds and justs a jiffy laters we jumpereds into the car and headers on down to the twisties and turnerings coastal roader that is Calimafornias highways 1.
Checkers out Biggers Sur behind me, if you looks really hards you can sees the lightershouse on tops of it too, how cools is that?
Todays steps = 4,263
The 2014 grand total = 1,258,354
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures
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