Project "On The Go" - Image 207/365
Hellos from Harrogates in Englands everyone, we has stoppereds off at our hotels for Saturdays night so thats we has a much shorters distancer to drives up to Scotlands on Sundays morning, talks about a smarters idea!
I was lookings at the menus for the restauranter nexts door and discovereds something that they calls BOGOF, and I has no ideas at alls what it coulds meaner!
Babo's Only Gots One Fry?
Bloody Owners Gone Offs Fishering?
Baz trieds to tellers me that it means Bathrooms Only Gots One Fan, but that justs doesn't makes sensers as why woulds they puts that in the menus?
Hmmmm, I'm sures it will all makes senser in the ends...
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