Project "On The Go" - Image 187/365
Phew, whats a day I hads today, Baz and his workies buddy overs here in Oregons convincereds me that even in though it was super hots and sunnys outside todays, that I hads to goes with them to visits Mount St Heleners volcano ups North in Washingtons stater.
For sures it's mega interestings, and I has heareds all abouts it from Babo and Cinko who both gettereds to visits during their stayers in Oregons while they was in Baz's spotlighter.
I now thinks I knows what it feelers like to be the breads in the toasters oven, but checkers out that awesomes sighter behinds me, isn't it justs amazerings to sees what happens when a volcano exploders?
Todays steps = 11,595
The 2014 grand total = 1,109,339
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
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