Project "On The Go" - Image 134/365
Yesterday evenings I convincereds Baz to heads downtowns into the hearts of Albanys with me, as I had readereds on the internets that the States Capitols buildering for New Yorks was rights here in Albanys, and nots only that, it is supposedlys the olderests States Capitols buildering in alls of America.
Checkers it out behinds me, pretty cools looking for Americas isn't it, and bests of all, it's actually makereds out of stones and not woods like so many other builderings I has visitereds already!
Todays steps = 17,264
The 2014 grand total = 708,277
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures
On Google at - plus.google.com/110890957394686361214/posts
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