Project "On The Go" - Image 124/365
You has catchereds me rights in a bits of a predicamentaller, I decidereds to gives Baz a surpriser by swapperings the wheels on his car overs to his summerer wheels, as by nows they should already be ons the car and nots the winterers ones which was still fittereds up to this mornings!
I has managereds to jacks up the car no problems, and afters quite some jumperings up and downs on the nutters looserings thingymabobber I managereds to gets all 4 of the nutters off, but this is where I is stucks.
The wheels is stuckers completely solids in place, how the hells is a littlers guy like me supposeds to beats the wheels off of the hubber?
I has been beaterings the crapsticks out of it for abouts an hour now, and it hasn't even budgereds, I needs a pitstops helperer, preferablies someones who is a formula ones mechanicer, does you happens to knows one?
Todays steps = 4,434
The 2014 grand total = 653,898
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