Project "On The Go" - Image 341/365
After workerings on Sundays morning, thankfullies Baz offered to takes me and his colleaguer from Taiwans to somethings so super cools that I shoulds reallies have a betters expressioner to describers it, buts rights now I is so colds that my brains isn't workings properlies any mores, ha ha!
Behinds me is Mounts St Helens volcanos, yups you would be rights in thinkings that I has beens here already this years, definitelies true, buts, I is heres in winters this time to sees the explodereds volcano withs loads of snows on tops, and wows, whats a sighter it is!
OK, enoughs chitters chatters, Baz, can you unlocks the cars, my butts is abouts to growers some icicles ons it if I stays out here any longers!
Todays steps = 11,378
The 2014 grand total = 2,058,327
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
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