Project "On The Go" - Image 246/365
I arrivereds home to the cookie cave this evenings from legs one of Mireille and Baz's honeymooner withs very littles time to unpackers our Scotlands suitcaser and to packs up our Sicilys suitcaser!
I did howevers finds enough timers to checks the postsboxer which was almosts overflowings with letters and stuffs, and amongsts all of these what did I finders? These awesomers little weddings dangler presents of Tray and Wage who I thinks looks justs like Mireille and Baz!
A massivers thanks you to my gooders buddy Katherine in Calimafornias for makerings them and senderings them alls the way to Germanys for us to hangs in our ugly towers livings quarters to remembers the biggers day forevers!
p.s. A massives mid-honeymoons happy birthdays to my gooders buddy Hat in Torontos todays too, I hopes Goalie Babo is takings good cares of you today!
Todays steps = 4,286
The 2014 grand total = 1,406,691
From the Uglydoll blog at blog.adventuresinuglyworld.com/
And on Twitter at - @uglyadventures
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